With this episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report, FIR 181, Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz embark on a renewed journey every month with conversation at the intersection of business, communication and technology, just as when they first started out in January 2005.

In this episode for March 2019, H&H discuss these stories:

  • Print is still a viable communication tool; Raspberry Pi is distributing multiple print magazines
  • Pandora is the first streaming service to introduce a sonic logo
  • In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in New Zealand, we find ourselves at a fork in the social media road
  • The nature of a news story determines the trajectory of its lifespan
  • Gartner expects AI to assume 80% of all project management tasks by 2030
  • Companies are now mining your voice to learn more about you for purposes both noble and nefarious
  • Facebook just won’t change even though the Cambridge Analytica scandal should have been a catalyst
  • Companies need to take social and political stands but it needs to be done strategically, according to new reports
  • Dan York’s Tech Report covers designing for teenagers, Apple’s March 25 event, Firefox for iPad, email as the future of social networks, and the final week of Google+

Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.

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Links from This Week’s Episode

Links from Dan York’s Tech Report