There’s a new PR blog in town – Strumpette, described as a naked journal of the PR business.

Not quite your average PR blog, though. And Chicago-based author Amanda Chapel certainly isn’t your average PR blogger. From her bio page:

[…] Bottom line professionally speaking, I am 5’ 4” tall, athletic, Pantine shoulder-length black hair, perfect perky boobs. I present well and am most accomodating. I’ve slept with clients. I sleep with my boss. I am the consummate PR strumpette. When I was 7 my mother told me I’d “never get anywhere with that mouth.” I’ve apparently dedicated my life in proving her wrong.

Cynicism and commentary about the PR business. Refreshingly novel!

11 responses to “Naked PR”

  1. Amanda Chapel avatar

    For the record, I may be good but I ain’t easy.

    – Amanda Chapel

  2. neville avatar

    Good morning, Amanda, thanks for stopping by. I’m sure you’re not easy!

    I think Strumpette is exactly what we need in the PR business right now. A nice bit of balance to put things in the proper perspective.

    Looking forward to reading your tales and perhaps enjoying a conversation or two at some time.

  3. Mike avatar

    Neville, you gotta get Amanda on FIR.

  4. neville avatar

    Now there’s an interesting idea, Mike. Maybe once the results of the Rubel office pool have been announced.

    Assuming, of course, that Amanda is willing.

  5. Drive-by Blogging: My PR Blog Neighbours Are Revolting!…

    The appeal of snarky, bitchy blog posts is undeniable. And, quite frankly, reading blogs would be boring without some of the raw entertainment of celebrity-style journalism thrown in for good measure. So I’m not entirely sure why I have such a negativ…

  6. David Phillips avatar

    So… who is this PR person, with 15 years experience and no google juice? Do the juices flow where she comes from or have you sucked on the wrong honey suckle?

  7. neville avatar

    Quite a bit of speculation, David, including that she’s really a man or even a transvestite.

    Whatever (although I prefer the illusion of what I see on the website right now). I do hope Strumpette is able to provide some great entertainment for our profession. I’d say it’s sorely needed.

  8. Strumpette’s Identity – Brian Connelly of Furthermore Inc….

    So as per my gut and my posted yesterday where I theorized that Strumpette was a dude “Strumpette – PR Blogger Meets Dude Looks Like a Lady” I had to do a little digging this morning. So far, all signs……

  9. Derek Leverington avatar

    I love the interest that something like this generates, but I don’t expect a character blog portraying the identity of a prostitute to be heralded as anything other than a short-term blip in the blogosphere in the PR game.

    Whether it is Amanda Hugankiss or Amanda Chapel or whoever it is (my theory is that it is Brian Connolly as described on my d:notes blog, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

  10. neville avatar

    It looks like Strumpette could be yesterday’s news, Derek.

    Now there’s Rellatio. Scott Baradell over at Media Orchard has the skinny (so to speak).

    Already speculation that Strumpette and Rellatio are from the same stable.

  11. […] Still, it’s been there in my RSS reader since the blog started in March. […]