Next Thursday November 8, a special event will take place that you can take part in wherever you are in the world.
That event is A Brand You World 2007 Global Telesummit which features 24 hour-long seminars during the day.
As I mentioned last week, I’m participating as a speaker.
The topic I think I can offer the most on in the context of personal branding is podcasting. So, that’s what I’ll be doing.
Here’s the concise session description that will be posted to the event website soon:
Express Your Personal Brand Through the Power of Podcasting
Some say it’s a revolution that will change broadcasting and people’s listening habits for ever. Others still say it’s a fad that’s of limited appeal and use beyond geeks and enthusiasts.
Whatever anyone says, you’d have to admit that something that rocketed out of nowhere in 2004 and today has got individuals and big companies alike actively using it must be worth taking a look at to see what you can learn from it.
That ‘something’ is podcasting.
Drawing upon tips and tricks in How to Do Everything with Podcasting, the book by Shel Holtz with Neville Hobson from McGraw-Hill published in June 2007, Neville Hobson will show you how a podcast can be a key element in your own brand-building strategy that can enable you to extend your connections and add to your personal credibility.
Using the example of For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report, the business podcast he has presented twice-weekly with Shel Holtz since January 2005, Neville will explain how to build a genuine community centered around your brand to enhance your personal reputation online.
My one-hour session starts at 8pm GMT / 3pm EST on Thursday November 8. It’s free to participate. You do need to register, though. Once you do, you’ll get details of the phone number you’ll need to call in to.
Check out the details on all 24 sessions – there’s something there for you, whatever you want to learn about personal branding.
Hope you can make it on the 8th.
4 responses to “Express your personal brand through the power of podcasting”
Neville – it’s posted! I’m looking forward to hearing you speak on this great subject. thank you for all your support in sharing the event to your community. We have an amazing group of speakers all giving their time to share their expertise on the subject of personal branding.
unfortunately I won’t be attending – got clients, etc. all day… but I may catch some of the “re-runs”. I did a teleconference over the summer with podCamp on “Podcasting By Phone.” I strongly believe this ‘transitional technology’ will help many mainstream folks use services like,, or to get into the podcasting world.
Have fun…
~ Vikram
Thanks Vikram. All the sessions will be recorded and made available (I assume as podcasts) a few days after the event.
Yes Neville and Vikram, we will be recording the 24 sessions and then making them available as podcasts – thanks to the terrific team and one of our sponsors Conference Calls
Krishna De
Brining Your Brand To Life!