The iPhone came to Europe last night. If you’re in Germany or the UK, you can now get hold of one over here.
If you do have an iPhone, no doubt you’ll be spending a lot of time this weekend playing with it and discovering it’s features.
You might be going online with it, and your visits may include blogs like this one.
The good news is that if you do land here with your iPhone browser, you’ll experience all the content of this blog presented in a way that’s designed specifically for the iPhone screen.
That’s thanks to the iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme, a very neat bit of PHP jiggery-pokery created by one (or more) of the clever folks at ContentRobot.
And it works not only with the iPhone but also if you visit here with an iPod Touch.
Here’s how it works:
The iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme automatically reformats your blog’s content for optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch. It detects the iPhone/iPod touch’s User Agent and serves up the content with the special theme only to iPhone and iPod touch visitors, all other browsers will view your WordPress blog with your current theme.
Now, as I own neither an iPhone nor an iPod Touch, you might be wondering how I know that it works.
I asked a friend! Euan Semple was one of the queuers in London last night, and he now has an iPhone. He says the plugin works.
Enjoy :)
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3 responses to “Welcome iPhone visitors!”
The plugin works very well. I’m reading and commenting using my iPod Touch now.
Thanks Rob, very glad to know it works on your iPod Touch. Quite a clever plugin!
[…] to Neville Hobson, I’ve added a WordPress plugin that reformats this blog for iPhones and iPod Touch users. […]