In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 28-minute conversation with Andy Abramson, CEO of Comunicano, who used his VOIP-focused blog to break the story of RICO charges filed against Skye well ahead of the mainstream news media.

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About our Conversation Partner:

Andy Abramson is the founder of Comunicano, Inc., a boutique marketing consultancy geared to providing clients with a full service agency, senior advising and marketer-in-residence services to start-ups, companies in transition and established brands with regard to marketing, advertising, public relations, promotion, events and reputation management. He is also co-founder, President and Senior Strategy Officer of The Next Box, Inc, a virtual marketing service agency.

A veteran of the marketing and public relations industry, Andy has over 31 years of experience in all facets of marketing and corporate communications. In addition to his daily marketing and public relations activities Andy also co-hosts “The World Technology Round Up,” a daily technology webcast that is heard via and its syndication partners, by more than 200,000 daily listeners around the globe. He has also served as the BBC’s Consumer Electronics Market analyst in the USA at CES, and was seen in 46 countries and 45 PBS stations, by more than 11 million people. Along with Rutkowski, Abramson co-hosts the annual San Diego Telecom Council’s GadgetFest, each fall, a preview event of the newest and coolest consumer technology products around.

Often quoted both in the consumer and industry press, Andy authors VoIPWatch, a daily weblog.

Listen to this podcast now:

Podsafe intro music – On A Podcast Intrumental Mix (MP3, 5Mb) by Cruisebox.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)