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Intro: Shel speaking at PRSA conference today (and was at a special wedding yesterday), Neville solo this week; FIR nominated for 2012 European Podcast Award; discount for FIR listeners to Social Media Marketing 2012 conference in London on October 25;

Quick News: Ford connects again with PeerIndex, with 3D printing and more for a Fiesta car in a new influencer outreach programme in Europe; print’s not dead as the Evernote Smart Notebook from Moleskin suggests; Kickstarter UK launch set for October 31; the return of micropayments with Google Wallet for Content; Ragan promo;

News That Fits: Is there any point today in blogging? Recap of #FTDLW12; Dan York reports from Mumbai, India, on the reliance of the internet for so many of our activities, Marco Arment of Instapaper launches “The Magazine”, and more; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; Flipboard is the publishing tool of the future and it can also raise your Klout score; listener comments; TemboSocial promo; no report from Michael Netzley in Singapore this week; tips for using LinkedIn’s new Endorsement feature;

Music from May Stands Still; and more.

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Messages from our sponsors: FIR is brought to you with Lawrence Ragan Communications, serving communicators worldwide for 35 years,; Save time with the CustomScoop online clipping service: sign up for your free two-week trial, at; and TemboSocial (formerly Pollstream): helping you transform your communications goals into exciting strategies that will enable you to engage, educate and inform your customers and employees online,

For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report for October 15, 2012: A 56-minute podcast recorded live from Wokingham, Berkshire, England.

Links to websites, blog posts and other content we discuss in the show are posted as Delicious bookmarks to facilitate your connection with the discussions and sharing of that content.

FIR Show Notes links
Names of blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show are posted to the FIR Show Notes pages at The New PR Wiki. You can contribute time stamps – see the show notes home page for info.

FIR on Friendfeed
Share your comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for future shows, in the FIR FriendFeed Room. You can also email us at; call the Comment Line at +1 206 338 7960 (North America), +44 20 3239 9082 (Europe), or Skype: fircomments; comment at Twitter: You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 3 minutes / 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.

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So, until Monday October 22…

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

7 responses to “The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #673: October 15, 2012”

  1. Jamie avatar

    There is always a point for blogging. Blogging and SEO is always a good way to increase web traffic.
    Jamie@ Franchise Public Relations

  2. Neville Hobson avatar

    Two listeners reported that the MP3 file for this episode didn’t play beyond 31 minutes. They’re right – the MP3 file was corrupted at Libsyn, the hosting company. It’s been replaced with a new copy, which plays the full 55 minutes. Sorry about that; if you subscribe via iTunes, etc, you may need to download the file again.