
“Content curation” is a phrase we’ll hear more of as we all struggle to manage the flood of information that confronts us every day, and as demand for content increases.

Making sense of information abundance and message overload are the watchwords today. Finding, selecting and filtering content that is relevant, using simple but powerful tools to make the process efficient and effective, is a key business imperative.

In this FIR interview, co-host Neville Hobson met with Craig Silverman, director of content and product strategy at Spundge, the Montreal-based curation and publishing platform, on his recent visit to London.

Silverman highlights examples of how news organizations are using Spundge to research information and curate content to create stories for their publications; and considers how companies, professional services firms and other organizations can use a platform like Spundge to demonstrate and showcase their expertise and thought leadership.

The interview concludes with Silverman looking ahead to 2013 and offering his perspectives on content evolution, brand journalism and paid versus earned media;  and looks at how content curation and publishing are becoming the foundational elements in establishing your subject-matter authority and building trust.

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About our Conversation Partner

craigsilvermanCraig Silverman is an award-winning journalist and the founder of Regret the Error, a blog that reports on media errors and corrections, and trends regarding accuracy and verification. The blog moved to The Poynter Institute in December 2011, and he joined as Adjunct Faculty.

He is also director of content and product strategy at Spundge, building tools to enable knowledge workers to collaboratively discover, curate and create content.

Craig wrote a weekly column for the Toronto Star and has been a columnist for Columbia Journalism Review, The Globe And Mail and BusinessJournalism.org. He’s the former managing editor of PBS MediaShift, and was part of the team that launched OpenFile.ca, a Canadian online news start-up. His journalism and books have been recognized by the Mirror Awards, National Press Club, Canadian National Magazine Awards, and the Canadian Online Publishing Awards.

Connect with Craig on Twitter @CraigSilverman, and on Spundge.

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

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7 responses to “FIR Interview: Craig Silverman on content curation”

  1. cmrlee avatar

    Great podcast as ever, Neville. I’d just add that curation is especially valuable when your own brand lacks resources to do the level of content marketing that you may otherwise like to.

    1. Neville Hobson avatar

      Thanks Chris. A good point you highlight, one I think that drives some of the mainstream media whio are using Spundge: a way to do research for stories that is highly effective, collaborative, fast and efficient, and doesn’t require the manual, isolated, slow processes traditionally used.

  2. […] FIR Interview: Craig Silverman on content curation “Content curation” is a phrase we’ll hear more of as we all struggle to manage the flood of information that confronts us every day, and as demand for content increases. Making se… […]

  3. […] “Content curation” is a phrase we’ll hear more of as we all struggle to manage the flood of information that confronts us every day, and as demand for content increases. Making se…  […]

  4. […] “Content curation” is a phrase we’ll hear more of as we all struggle to manage the flood of information that confronts us every day, and as demand for content increases. Making se…  […]

  5. […] Spundge, a content curation and publishing platform (which Craig Silverman talks about at length in the latest FIR Interview podcast I posted […]

  6. […] lassen sich aggregierte Inhalte vom Nutzer über einen eigenen Stream teilen. In einem Podcast mit Neville Hobsen erklärt Silverman, wie Journalisten oder Interessierte Spundge effektiv für ihre Arbeit nutzen […]