When it began its life as an independent company, employees of Sabre Holdings – the company that (among other things) provides flight information to consumers and travel agents – mostly worked in the same physical location, making it easy to connect and share information.

Today, with 9,000-plus employees, 55% of whom work outside the United States, it has grown much more difficult for employees to connect with one another and transfer knowledge and information from those who have it to those who need it.

To address the problem Sabre, under an initiative launched by the Corporate Communications function, introduced a proprietary social network called SabreTown, designed to address the issues unique to an organization with a geographically dispersed workforce. The platform has proven so successful that Sabre Holdings has decided to make it available as a software product for other companies under the name Cubeless.

In this interview, FIR co-host Shel Holtz talks with Sabre’s Corporate Communications Senior Vice President Al Comeaux about the evolution of SabreTown, the impact it has had on the organization, and its efforts to sell the software to other companies seeking to obtain similar results and address similar issues.

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About our Conversation Partner

AlcomeauxAl Comeaux is Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications for Sabre Holdings, where he directs media relations, employee communications, and corporate social responsibility. In this role, he has helped Sabre through rapid workforce globalization and major large acquisitions, including the purchase of Sabre by private equity firms Silver Lake Partners and TPG.

In Comeaux’s previous role as vice president of public relations at Travelocity, he directed all public relations activity for the online travel agency. In that role, he repositioned Travelocity’s public relations from technology-based messaging to travel-related messaging, including building an extensive program to merchandise the brand’s travel expertise.

Prior to Travelocity, Comeaux worked for American Airlines, where his various positions included leading the airline’s public relations initiatives in Europe and managing its labor public relations activity. Before joining American, Comeaux worked for Conway & Company Public Relations in Washington, D.C., and as press secretary for U.S. Rep. F.I. Sunia.

Comeaux has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the Manship School of Journalism at Louisiana State University.

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)