It’s nice to start a Monday morning with a bit of a laugh, and what better way to have a laugh today than with this song.

If you’re a Twitter user, the lyrics will make you smile. Wry humour by songwriter Ben Walker that shows some insight into this social micro-blogging networking online world that many people inhabit (me included).

You can listen right here:


Or download the MP3 (the song is published under a Creative Commons License).

It’s also worth reading the lyrics, too. That will add to your smiles.

And in defining the geeky audience at which Ben says he’s targeting the Twitter song, he says:

[…] Lucky for me, I’m a card-carrying geek and I love writing quirky pop songs about geeky things. So I have a chance at internet superstardom. Now, if only I had a breakthrough hit song that was guaranteed to go hyperviral the second it hits the Twitterverse…

Holy cow! I just recorded a song about Twitter! I bet that would work!

Works for me, Ben!

(Via The Next Web)

18 responses to “You’re no one if you’re not on Twitter”

  1. Ben Matthews avatar

    Rumour has it that Ben Walker will be playing the song at the Harvest Twestival – have a look at for more info!

  2. TAR ART RAT avatar

    I still have 3 friends (yes, count them: 3) who refuse to be on facebook on-principle (and, therefore, are pretty much be default completely clueless/confused about twitter) …

    I guess I just don’t understand why one wouldn’t want to take advantage of what(ever) the internet
    has to offer human existence, no matter how silly it may initially seem…

  3. […] Hobson posted the song You’re No-one if You’re Not on Twitter on his blog.  Take a listen.  It’s very […]

  4. F. Andy Seidl avatar

    I’ve only been “somebody” for a few weeks, but this song did, indeed, make me smile. It will become part of my first response to the question, “What is Twitter?”

  5. Rosanna Fiske

    @mdbarber Loved the *geeky* Twitter song! Retweeting … for those who haven’t heard it

  6. @mdbarber Loved the *geeky* Twitter song! Retweeting … for those who haven’t heard it

  7. You’re no one if you’re not on Twitter

  8. Listening to the Twitter song, thx @buzzbunny.

  9. You’re no one if you’re not on Twitter:

  10. Ben Walker avatar

    Thanks for spreading the Twitter song love! {seesmic_video:{“url_thumbnail”:{“value”:””}”title”:{“value”:”Thanks for spreading the Twitter song love! “}”videoUri”:{“value”:””}}}

  11. Retweeting @jangles: The Twitter song on New Zealand radio (see video comment)? @audaciousgloop, down to you?

  12. retweeting @flyinglens – The Twitter song :) it made me smile :)

  13. Dr. Sally Witt avatar

    Great post!

    I love the song, and this is a great perk-me-up for the day!

    Planning the reblog, plurk, and tweets right now.



  14. did you hear the song “you’re no one if you’re not on twitter”

  15. […] You’re no one if you’re not on Twitter […]

  16. Dorotheaeli (Dorothee Mackenbach) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Sure you all heard this funny song, if not you’ve gotta! LOL [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher