FIR Listener Survey 2013

If you’re a regular listener of The Hobson and Holtz Report podcast – the weekly anchor show in the FIR Podcast Network – we want to know what you think of the show.

To this end, we’ve just published the FIR Listener Survey 2013 and invite you to share your thoughts and opinions about the show: topics, discussions, reports, sponsors, overall content, and more.

The survey is open now and will close at 8am on Wednesday October 23, 2013, in just over a week’s time.

There are 40 questions, the majority of which are buttons and checkboxes to click, although there are plenty of opportunities for you to say what you think as well. It should take you 20 minutes or less.

Scan QR code to go to survey...If you want to take the survey on your mobile phone or tablet, the website presents the survey in a friendly format for smaller screens.

Scan the QR code you see here to go there right now.

The last time we published the results of a listener survey was in 2009. I bet much has changed in four years, in terms of what listeners’ like and what they don’t, and what you want from FIR in the future.

Not only that, we’re evolving FIR and the family of podcasts that collectively now make up the FIR Podcast Network, an embryonic network that we have big plans for.

Hence a new survey to find out thinking from the people who matter to us – our listeners.

We will announce an initial results overview on FIR after the October 23 closing deadline; and we’ll publish detailed information about the results on the FIR website as well as a deck on Slideshare as we did last time.

Thanks for participating. We look forward to hearing what you think.

The FIR Listener Survey 2013

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

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