FIR Live #13
Saturday, April 25, 2009
10am PDT / 1pm EDT / 6pm UK
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Marshall Kirkpatrick of ReadWriteWeb explored both sides of the increasingly popular business activity of monitoring social media. He wrote:
It’s kind of a modern day horror story, isn’t it? Web 2.0’s potential benefit for humanity tragically sold short by social media because it fell under a fog of marketing software. Would-be short-form conversationalists jumping in with CRM-tinted glasses secured to their faces. One of my co-workers says that within minutes of his wife Tweeting about her art studio last night, she was friended by scads of art companies and salespeople. Who wants to have a conversation in that context?
Or maybe it’s just a matter of changing our expectations. Maybe this is all good; the new customer service – a lot like the old customer service, but in your blog comments and replies tab.
In our April FIR Live episode, we’ll talk with CustomScoop CEO Chip Griffin and a senior representative of the new social media monitoring service Spiral 16 for their takes on the issue. And we’ll take your calls.
The show is set for Saturday, April 25 at 10am PDT, 1pm EDT, and 6pm in the UK. You can participate by calling in to +1-347-324-3723. You can listen in live by dialling into the same number or visiting
The recording will be made available as part of the Hobson & Holtz Report.
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)
3 responses to “FIR Live on April 25: Is social media monitoring critical or creepy?”
Hobson: FIR Live on April 25: Is social media monitoring critical or creepy?: FIR Live #13 Saturday, Apri..
[Blog] FIR Live on April 25: Is social media monitoring critical or creepy?
Hobson: FIR Live on April 25: Is social media monitoring critical or creepy?: FIR Live #13 Saturday, Apri..