In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 33-minute conversation with Silvia Cambié, 2006-2007 Director of IABC Europe Middle East Region, who takes up her leadership role on June 30. Topics discussed include Silvia’s views on the challenges facing the Region in the coming year, plans for growing the membership especially in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, meeting the needs of Members at Large, the European Leadership Institute, IABC’s next European conference “EuroComm” in Dublin.

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About our Conversation Partner

Silvia CambiéSilvia Cambié has 15 years experience in journalism and public relations. She is the founder of Chanda Communications and Coaching, a London-based communications consultancy firm specialized in international media relations, public affairs and training.

Silvia spent most of the 90s in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union as correspondent for a number of leading British and German business publications. Prior to founding Chanda, Silvia worked in Brussels for several years doing communications and public affairs for international trade associations.

Silvia holds a degree in social sciences and business administration from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and a diploma with distinction from The Coaching Academy in the UK. She speaks five languages.

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Podsafe intro music – On A Podcast Intrumental Mix (MP3, 5Mb) by Cruisebox.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)