I like the new Technorati Favorites, the new service where you can add blogs and other sites to a list of favourites that others can also access.
It’s the sharing aspect of it that I like most. Others can see which sites I regard as favourites and I can do the same with others’ favourites lists. Adds some more dimension to what you know about people. Here’s my current favourites list on Technorati.
There are three easy ways to get sites into your own favourites list:
- Click on the little star that now appears against the name of every site in Technorati when you do a search there
- Install the Faves bookmarklet in your browser so with one click you can add any site to your favourites list
- Import a list of sites via an OPML file
You can install a widget on your site which shows recent posts from some of your favourites. I’ve done that on this new page. Not sure yet how I’ll use this. Probably move it to the sidebar in the Connections page, once I figure out how to edit the PHP code correctly in that sidebar template so it appears only in that page (all those PHP ‘else’ and ‘if’ conditions give me a headache).
Plus, you can add a little badge to your site that others can click on to add you to their favourites. Here’s a handy link for this site if you feel so inclined:
It would be great if I could use Technorati Favorites instead of the Blogrolling list I have. Far more dynamic and connected. But you’re limited to 50 sites at the moment.
Still, I’m not complaining – it’s a neat integrated service.
5 responses to “Sharing your favourites”
[…] Op deze weblog heb ik een aparte pagina gemaakt voor mijn favorites – Favorite weblogs Bron: Technoratie via Nevon […]
You convinced me. I just started a Technorati favorites list and it seems to me to be far better than the more static blogrolls. 50 is fine for me.
I also wanted to congratulate you on this very elegant new blog. It was a pleasure to see you zoom past that NevOn guy in the PubSub PR list rankings. That NevOn guy is so yesterday. Of course my feelings are more mixed on the fact that FIR has eclipsed Naked Conversations. I could argue that two against one isn’t fair but that would be whining.
I look forward to seeing yo in a few days at the New Communications Forum on my side of the ocean.
Shel, thanks for dropping in! And thanks for those warm words, appreciated. Especially the PubSub thing ;)
The NCF event is looking as though it will be quite something. So looking forward to seeing you there.
Love the new blog, as I have said elsewhere.
Interesting thing about this Technorati Faves thingy… you’ve listed me (which I appreciate), but the caption says I last updated 124 days ago… when it was more like 3 hours ago.
I’ve never convinced Technorati to list DRC as a PR, public relations, communication, or Denmark blog… which is making me wonder if the search results I get back from them are worth a damn?
Thanks Allan.
Yes, weird about that updating date in Technorati. Don’t ask me how to explain that!