wikiologo2111[1] It’s the start of a new month and a new ranking of UK tech blogs from my friends at Wikio, the search engine and news portal.

Here’s a preview peek at the top 30 from the full list comprising the top 100 tech blogs in the UK which Wikio will be publishing in the next few days:

  1. TechCrunch Europe (+1)
  2. Geeky Gadgets (+1)
  3. Coolest Gadgets (+1)
  4. Econsultancy blog (+1)
  5. BBC Internet blog (+2)
  6. The Red Ferret Journal (=)
  7. (+1)
  8. Gadget Venue dot com (+2)
  9. All About Symbian (=)
  10. – UK Gadget News (+4)
  11. TechDigest (+1)
  12. Zath (Ent.)
  13. We Are Social (=)
  14. EWEEKeurope (+7)
  15. Speckyboy – WordPress and Design (+2)
  16. Telegraph Blogs – Technology (-1)
  17. Blah! Blah! Technology (-1)
  18. Blog.Spoon Graphics (=)
  19. Jkkmobile (+8)
  20. Light Blue Touchpaper (+4)
  21. Phones Review (-1)
  22. GadgetLite Blog (+8)
  23. Jonobacon@home (+10)
  24. Mousetrap Technology – Times Online (-1)
  25. Dial-a-Phone (+10)
  26. OUseful.Info, the blog… (+3)
  27. (-8)
  28. Broadstuff (-6)
  29. GadgetGrid (-3)
  30. Tracy and Matt’s Blog (+4)

Ranking by Wikio

Some notable shifts this month:

  • Most of the top 10 blogs have moved up a position or two, undoubtedly partly reflecting the absence of the Guardian Technology blog (see below). Outside the top 10, there are big jumps up by Jonobacon@home (+10 to #23), Dial-a-Phone (+10 to #25), Jkkmobile (+8 to #19),  GadgetLite Blog (+8 to #22) and EWEEKeurope (+7 to #14).
  • The biggest fall in position is this blog,, down 8 places compared to last month. Friends in the know about rankings and such things tell me a prime reason is likely to be the drop-off in fresh and relevant content in recent months. That means I’ve not been writing enough posts so there’s not been not much new volume for others to comment on, mention, tweet or otherwise link to. It’s true, my overall output has decreased considerably over the past four months in particular: just two or three posts a week (mostly cross-posts of my podcast show notes) whereas a year ago, it was double that volume on average.
  • Maybe the biggest fall is actually The Guardian Technology Blog which has disappeared not only from the top 30 list but also entirely from the top 100 after having been a prominent feature in the rankings over the past year (and occupied the #1 slot last month). Wikio says it’s been taken out as “it’s essentially a big newspaper and their general Tech blog with all their contributors.” What do you think about that, Guardian?

If you know of any UK-based blogger writing a tech blog who ought to be in Wikio’s Top 100 ranking and who isn’t, let me know.

14 responses to “Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010”

  1. @octane RT @jangles: [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 #fb #in

  2. Hobson: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010: It’s the start of a new month and a new ranking of UK tech blog…

  3. [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 #fb #in /via @jangles <- big drop for Guardian Tech blog

  4. Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010

  5. [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 #fb #in

  6. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

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    [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 [link to post] #fb #in

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  7. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, Emily Cagle. Emily Cagle said: @octane RT @jangles: [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 #fb #in […]

  8. topsy_top20k

    [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 #fb #in

  9. EmilyCagle (Emily Cagle) avatar

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    @octane RT @jangles: [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 [link to post] #fb #in

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  10. What I'm reading: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 #in

  11. EbA (Eb Adeyeri) avatar

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    [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2010 [link to post] #fb #in /via @jangles <- big drop for Guardian Tech blog – Posted using Chat Catcher

  12. RT @jangles Wikio Top 30 UK Tech Blogs for April 2010

  13. alan p avatar

    I don’t know how Wikio does this, but for every survey there is an equal and opposite one :) For example in Technorati, my blog (Broadstuff, here ranked 28th) has a higher ranking (3853) than say We Are Social (4408) here ranked 13th

    Also, I think Wikio needs to differentiate between gadget flogblogs (a lot of the Top 10) and blogs that do commentary, strategy etc. Different markets entirely.

  14. […] an intriguing list this month with only two blogs moving position compared to last month: a switch in position for the #2 and #3 […]