
The third Dell B2B Social Media Huddle took place in London on March 17, 2011. Organized jointly by Dell, Google and FIR, the event featured social business expert Brian Solis and was characterized by its popular unconference approach, enabling anyone to present on a topic or lead a breakout discussion.

In front of a packed room at Google’s London headquarters, Solis explained the concepts of social business and the social customer and their significance in the business-to-business area. During an open Q&A discussion facilitated by FIR co-host Neville Hobson, Solis offered insights into the concept of Behaviorgraphics with ‘benevolence’ at its centre and why he believes “if ignorance is bliss, awareness is enlightening.”

You can view Solis’ presentation, titled “Engage” (embedded below, or at Slideshare if you don’t see the embed), and follow as you listen to the podcast.

Dell B2B Huddle UK with Brian Solis

View more presentations from Brian Solis

To conclude a lively and compelling one-hour discussion, Solis offered his impressions from SXSW Interactive – the five-day conference and networking event on emerging technology that takes place in in Austin, Texas, each March – highlighting what’s hot, what’s on the radar, and what it will mean for B2B in particular.

(Photo of Brian Solis courtesy of Benjamin Ellis, used under Creative Commons permission. See all photos from this event tagged dellb2b at Flickr. See Twitter conversations under the hashtag #dellb2b.)

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About Brian Solis

Brian Solis is principal at Altimeter Group, a research-based advisory firm in Silicon Valley. Solis is globally recognized as one of the most prominent thought leaders and published authors in new media. A digital analyst, sociologist, and futurist, Solis has studied and influenced the effects of emerging media on business, marketing, publishing, and culture. His current book, Engage!, is regarded as the industry reference guide for businesses to build and measure success in the social web; a revised second edition was published in March 2011.

His blog, is among the world’s leading business and marketing online resources, ranking among the top 1% of all blogs tracked by Technorati. Solis is also ranked as one of the leading voices in the AdAge Power 150 index of worldwide marketing bloggers. He actively contributes to FastCompany, BusinessWeek, AdAge, Harvard Business Review, and Mashable.  He also shares his vision and experiences through keynotes and presentations at conferences and events worldwide to help organizations understand and embrace the dynamics defining the rise of social business.

Connect with Brian on Twitter: @briansolis.

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

5 responses to “FIR Speakers and Speeches: Brian Solis at Dell B2B Social Media Huddle”

  1. […] this article: FIR Speakers and Speeches: Brian Solis at Dell B2B Social Media Huddle — This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged brian, fir, its-popular, london, […]

  2. […] you’d like to listen to the presentation yourself, Nevile Hobson has kindly posted the audio version and it may well make an interesting accompaniment to Brian’s slides, embedded below. Brian […]

  3. […] thanks to Neville Hobson for recording the presentation and making it available as a […]

  4. […] FIR Speakers and Speeches: Brian Solis at Dell B2B Social Media Huddle ( Tags: Altimeter Group, Brian Solis, Business, Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build Cultivate and Measure Success in the New Web, Marketing and Advertising, Social media, Social web […]

  5. […] Solis’s??Dell B2B Social Media Huddle ??????Dan Martin […]