firlive-ts2FIR Live #22
Saturday, April 30, 2011
10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm UK
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Our 22nd FIR Live will focus on social media analytics, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the panel we’ve lined up so far. Joining us will be Katie Paine, principal of KD Paine & Partners and author of Measure What Matters; Chuck Hemann, Vice President, Digital Strategy and Analytics at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide; Aaron Weber, Manager of Data and Analytics at internet business intelligence company Spiral16; [update April 17:] and Ken Burbary, Vice President Group Director, Strategy and Analysis, at Digitas.

The call-in number is +1 724 444 7444; the show ID is 97345. As always, FIR Live airs at 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern and 6pm UK. You can also participate in the live chat on our Talkshoe page.

About Our Guests


Katie Paine (left) has been a leader in social media measurement for the last decade and in public relations measurement for 23 years. She developed the first DIY dashboard for PR professionals and champions data-driven PR. She has aided numerous companies define their KPIs and metrics.

Chuck Hemann (second from left) has, for the past six years, provided strategic counsel to clients on a variety of topics including online reputation, social media, digital analytics, investor relations and crisis communications. Before joining Ogilvy PR, Chuck was the Director of Social Analytics for WCG, a global media services company based in San Francisco. He also helped to build the company’s social media practice via active engagement in online activities, new business development, client and account management, and the creation and implementation of annual plans and project plans.

Aaron Weber (second from right) says his experience has allowed him to garner a breadth of experience and awareness that’s invaluable to research and analysis. "At the end of the day," he says, "my goal is to work in an environment that understands the value of data, analysis, and perception-shifting to build powerful and ground-changing strategies."

Ken Burbary (right) is Vice President Group Director, Strategy and Analysis, at Digitas. He has 16 years of online marketing and advertising experience, including a deep background in digital and social media. Ken works with companies to create successful digital initiatives that will further their brand objectives, improve customer service by building strong digital relationships with their customers, and increase sales.

Join us on April 30 – your questions will ensure that this will be a fascinating conversation!

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)