When Dell entered the blogosphere last year with their corporate blog Direct2Dell, they took a bit of a pounding from some bloggers and customers who had “Dell Hell” in their minds.

Six months later, Dell has an open assessment of their experience in the blogosphere:

[…] We are making efforts to be more forthcoming. We entered the blogosphere in part to take on negative issues. Will we make more mistakes along the way? Sure, but we are listening and learning as we go. In fact, the blog is all about those conversations, and it’s why I’m recognizing this debate that goes on about and around us.

While there isn’t a silver bullet, all these vehicles have the potential to strengthen our direct relationship with customers. We think this dialog is important and we’ll continue down that path.

The author of the post from which I took these quotes is Lionel Menchaca with whom Shel and I will be having a conversation soon in our FIR podcast. Details will be posted on the FIR blog.

No question – Dell today is firmly part of the conversation.