Second Life: The Official GuideIn this edition of For Immediate Release book reviews, Neville and Shel review Second Life: The Official Guide.

This book is a collaborative work by six writers with expert knowledge of Second Life, the three-dimensional virtual world that today has over 2.6 million registered users. In Second Life: The Official Guide, there is something for everyone from the casual user to the committed Second Life resident.

Our discussion includes – description of the book’s structure and what it’s about; a summary overview of the contents and the content of the accompanying CD; snapshots of specific chapters, especially those describing the grand tour of Second Life, understanding the library and inventory, and changing your appearance; commentary on what some residents are quoted in the book as saying; concluding summary and our recommendation about the book.

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Podsafe intro/outro music – On A Podcast Intrumental Mix (MP3, 5Mb) by Cruisebox.

Second Life: The Official Guide
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Paperback, 342 pages
Published in December 2006
US$34.99 / CDN$41.99 / £22.99
ISBN: 0-470-09608-X
Available now from and other outlets.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)