Talk about starting from scratch!

I just set up this blog with Technorati, made the claim and added the code so that it is listed as a blog that belongs to me, is included in my profile and enables it to be found in Technorati searches.

It’s humbling – although hardly surprising – to see where Technorati ranks it right now:

Technorati ranking

Contrast this with how Technorati sees NevOn, the blog on TypePad I’ve been writing since July 2004:

Technorati ranking

So I have 1,106,895 steps to climb to at least match the connectivity of the old (well, still current) blog.

I love a challenge!

7 responses to “Things can only go up”

  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere, Neville…

    We seasoned public relations bloggers like to welcome newcomers to blogging. So it’s with great pleasure that I link to a new blog: What the name lacks in pizazz, it makes up for in clarity. This is the new home for the blogging eff…

  2. Help out a poor colleague in need…

    It’s tough when you are starting out in the blogosphere. So many others are competing for the oxygen of publicity and visitors in your space that the climb to credibility can be daunting. For example, Newbie Nev recently started his blog. He’s a f…

  3. neville avatar

    Well, this is a good start!

  4. Kami Huyse avatar

    Hey, i just found you new site. Neat. Steve Rubel recently said that you should be able to take your Technorati rating with you and I agree. The current method means that you are pretty tied to teh platform you started blogging on, even if it isn’t the best resource anymore. How undemocratic is that?

  5. KARE avatar

    I look (“up”) forward ot reading yoru insights on communication and on social media

  6. neville avatar

    That’s an issue, Kami, I agree. I think it would make more sense if your Technorati rating were portable.

    Yet I do wonder how much this really does matter. When I do complete the transition to here from TypePad – sometime in the coming week is the plan – the old blog will still exist and still be included in the Technorati system. So the specific rank for that blog will no doubt decline over time. So what? The content is still there and will still be discoverable. Plus it will have a clear link to this new blog.

    Kare, thanks for your comment.

  7. […] Just before I launched this blog, I noted that my Technorati ranking had disappeared beyond the solar system as I started from scratch here. As inbound links started coming in as the blog was discovered by people (before I said anything about it), I began to question my trust in Technorati’s information as it continued to show no connectivity. […]