PodcastingbookcoverIt’s been a long time coming, but the content of “How to Do Everything with Podcasting” is about to go onto the printing presses and emerge in a few weeks’ time as an actual book.

This is the book about podcasting that my podcasting partner Shel Holtz and I have been putting together for the past year. Blood, sweat and tears has gone into this – everyone’s blood and tears and a lot of Shel’s sweat in particular.

I’ve been proof-reading page proofs during the past week, as has Shel, and the overall content does look pretty awesome, even if I do say so myself. You can see the table of contents on the site of our publisher, McGraw Hill.

By mid June, the 512-page book should start showing up in bookstores in the US, according to  McGraw-Hill.

That’s born out by what you see right now on Amazon US (available June 15), with Amazon UK showing availability in July. Interestingly, Amazon Canada shows availability as June 1. (You don’t have to wait, though – you can pre-order now!)

Incidentally, the cover image you see here is the final. It’s different to the one currently showing on Amazon sites (and on McGraw-Hill’s own site).

Lots more to say about this book. But I’ll wait as the place to say it all first will be on our podcasting blog, For Immediate Release. We’ll have news and information on there soon. Plus we’re developing a companion website for the book. News on that soon as well. And a few other interesting things.

Can’t wait to see the real book!

10 responses to “The podcasting book now looks real”

  1. Chip Griffin avatar

    Congrats! Looking forward to the book — I just placed my order with Amazon.

    I probably could have done without the imagery of Shel sweating all over my book, but somehow I think the content will be excellent just the same! For the sequel, you’ll need to put an image of Jangles on the cover…

  2. Clarence Jones avatar

    Got my copy comin’! You and/or Shel might want to contact McGraw-Hill or Amazon to update the author information. It was current as of when y’all started the book, but a little dated now. Not that you’ve got anything else to do…lol.
    Love & Peace, Clarence

  3. Matt O'Neill avatar

    nice one neville. i’ll be buying a copy once it’s out.

    best wishes for the forthcoming success it (and you) deserve(s).


  4. Tom Murphy avatar


    Congratulations, great news.

    Just one question, I’ve always wondered how yourself and Shel manage to pull together two podcasts a week, and blog, and work and now… write a book?

    Maybe your next book should be on time management :-)

    Great news!

  5. neville avatar

    Thank you, all, appreciate your warm words.

    Chip, try not to think about that!
    Clarence, I hope McGraw-Hill do update that content on the website. Then it needs to filter out to other sites like Amazon. At least it’s up-to-date in the book.
    Matt, you can pre-order ;)
    Tom, one reason why the book’s taken a bit more than a year to do!

  6. John Stauffer avatar

    Congrats on finalizing the book Neville! Looking forward to the full report on FIR.

    I’ll make sure my agency picks one up for our library as more and more of our clients are exploring podcasting as a means to reach their audience. It’ll be nice to have an authoritative “how-to” on the shelves.


  7. neville avatar

    Thanks, John, appreciate your support.

    More new soon about the book over on the FIR site.

  8. Dan York avatar


    A belated congrats! (Was travelling last week) I’m looking forward to seeing it… and I *definitely* like your new cover better than the older one!


  9. Shel …

    For a bit now, I’ve been meaning to post here that Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson’s new book “How to Do Everything with Podcasting” is now nearing its launch. Last week both Shel and Neville posted about it, but with…

  10. neville avatar

    Thanks, Dan. And thanks for posting about it on your blog. Appreciate that.