Now this is useful – a free RSS reader for your mobile phone from NewsGator.

What makes it especially interesting is that it’s been released specifically for the iPhone – it’s called NewsGator Mobile for iPhone – but works on any mobile device.

Well, it works brilliantly on my Nokia N73 which is about as far from an iPhone as you can imagine.

Try it from your mobile phone –

Earlier this month, I wondered whether a paid subscription with NewsGator Online (NGO) was worth continuing or not as my preferred RSS reader is FeedDemon. Both synchronize together but I just don’t use NGO (if I do use a web-based reader, it’s Google Reader).

In the end, I didn’t continue a paid subscription but I do have the free one.

I still don’t use NGO. But this mobile reader is great as it shows me on my phone all the feeds I subscribe to that are synchronized with FeedDemon.


4 responses to “NewsGator RSS reader for iPhone works on other mobile phones”

  1. David Brain avatar

    I was just talking to our Steve Rubel and he was raving about how this worked on his iPhone too. Will give it a bash on my trusty Motorola.

  2. Jon M. avatar

    NewsGator also offers mobile clients that work much more like FeedDemon on the desktop and allow you to synchronize between Online, FeedDemon and your N73. It called NewsGator Go! and also works off-line, so it’s useful when the rest of the phone isn’t.

  3. neville avatar

    I tend not to log in to NewsGator that much, Jon, so maybe I’ve been missing some of the things they’ve been offering for a while.

    In any event, this mobile RSS app is very neat!

  4. Petrus Pennanen avatar


    Please try the just published Leiki News Reader available for free from -> Get Leiki Software -> Leiki News Reader

    It has award-winning usability and advanced automatic personalisation which learns the user’s interests from clicks on articles and selects personally relevant news.

    A single version of the app work on almost all Java-enabled phones. Currently the service has several hundred RSS feeds with more added all the time.