Category: IABC
FIR ZoomChat 7: Conference Ribbons
The seventh weekly Zoom Chat featuring listeners and FIR co-hosts Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz in conversation took place last Thursday. As with each of these informal chats, we do them live via Zoom, recording each one as we go.…
Takeaways on #BigData at #EuroComm17
Like everyone in the contemporary workplace, communicators confront information – data – on a scale unimaginable a decade ago. We’ve all heard the term “Big Data” but do we really understand what this means? Can we see what we must…
FIR Interview: IABC 2015-16 Chair Michael Ambjorn
The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) held its 2015 World Conference in San Francisco this week. Amidst the keynote talks, breakout sessions, receptions, and a host of other events, 2014-15 Chair Russell Grossman passed the gavel to 2015-16 Chair…
How high is the reboot bar for IABC?
#88388338 / Every time I hear about IABC these days, I suffer a continuing feeling of sadness. The news this past week about the professional association for communicators does little to change that feeling where that news is all…