Category: Podcasting
How to achieve audio excellence in podcasting
When I started podcasting in January 2005, anyone’s expectations about audio quality didn’t matter much. Unless you were a radio station with a studio, what you could expect was pretty rough and ready audio quality, especially if you wanted to…
A scientific sleuth leads the fight against fake data and images in science research
Believing that what you see, read and hear is real and truthful has never been under such a challenge as it is today. While technology plays a big role in creating this state of affairs, most egregious is the human…
Podcasting in the mainstream on show in London
Podcasting in the UK is very much alive and well if even half of what I heard and saw at The Podcast Show 2023 in London last week is any indicator. Held at the Business Design Centre in Islington, this…
A podcasting journey evolves: meet the Podnosticators
Podcasting is an activity that I love. From my first steps into this field in late 2004, I now host and co-host three business podcasts. One of these is The Small Data Forum monthly podcast that started in May 2016.…
Illustrating innovation
In May 2022, the first episode of Ideas to Innovation podcast Season 2 from Clarivate brought into sharp focus the devastating impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on scientific research and innovation in that country. In December, episode 9…