There are two terrific podcasting events in Europe coming up in September that I’m thrilled to be part of – PodCamp UK and PodCamp Ireland.

  • PodCampUK, September 1-2: a free two-day event bringing all the excitement, ideas and energy of a podcamp to the UK for the first time. This unique event promises to be a brilliant mix of ideas, live music, free food, great people and much more. Takes place at the NTI, Birmingham.
  • PodCamp Ireland, September 29: the first-ever Irish podcamp taking place in Kilkenny. Discussion topics include audio production and video production, publishing and hosting your podcast and videocast, promoting your podcast, licenced music/podsafe music, and social media.

At the UK event, I’m listed in there for a session on business podcasting on Sunday morning, Sept 2. This is an unconference, though, so anything can happen including changes to the schedule. I’ll be there in any event!

In Ireland, I’ll be talking mainly about FIR, the twice-weekly business podcast that Shel Holtz and I present (or as the wiki generously describes it, “learn the story behind the legend that is FIR”).

At both events, I hope to have signed copies available of How to Do Everything With Podcasting, the how-to book from McGraw-Hill written by Shel with me, published in the US in June and the UK this month.

I talk a bit about both events in a short video, below. (If you’re technically minded: recorded on a Logitech Quickcam Fusion webcam, title/credits added with Windows Movie Maker, then exported to a WMV file.)

If you’re interested in podcasting – either to start getting involved with one yourself or looking to learn more to improve or enhance one you’re already doing – you’ll learn a lot at these two great events.

It doesn’t cost anything to participate (other than your travel and accommodation) and you can just sign up on the respective wikis.

Hope to see you there, at one or both!

2 responses to “Speaking at PodCamp UK and PodCamp Ireland”

  1. Krishna De avatar

    Neville – thank you so much for sharing about PodCamp Ireland with your readers/viewers/listeners. We are all looking forward to meeting up for a terrific event in Kilkenny and no doubt there will be much to blog and podcast about after the event.

  2. neville avatar

    Absolutely, Krishna, I’m really looking forward to it!