Thanks to Jeremiah Owyang, we have a vision for an FIR Conference.

More than once, Jeremiah has insisted he’d pay to attend an FIR conference that included Shel and Neville as speakers, along with correspondents like Dan York, Michael Netzley, Eric Schwartzman, Sallie Goetsch and David Phillips (and, who knows, maybe even Lee Hopkins) – depending on availability – along with FIR’s listeners, notably many of those who have contributed to the conversation via comments.

In addition to presentations, we envision part of the conference adopting a sort of FIRCamp approach, with presentations on the fly from whoever wants to present one, and a lot of networking, providing an opportunity for members of the FIR community to meet and engage face-to-face.

In order to determine whether we’re on to something or have taken leave of our senses, we’re asking you. This poll will remain open until September 3, so please share your opinion. We’ll deal things like location (almost certainly in the USA), date and price once we get a good read on the general feasibility of the notion.

Thanks for your vote!

If you’d like to embed this poll in your own blog – in a post, perhaps, or in your sidebar – please feel free to do that. Just go to the Twtpoll site for this poll and copy and paste the appropriate embed code. Or, copy and paste it from here:

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Thanks for your support!

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

29 responses to “Would you attend an FIR conference?”

  1. Christie Goodman, APR avatar
    Christie Goodman, APR

    Is this where I say yes to your FIR conference poll? Of course it’ll ultimately depend on date and price. But I would love to attend!

    1. neville avatar

      This is as good a place as any, Christie :)

      It’s terrific that you’d come to an FIR event, subject to those details you mention. I’m feeling very buzzed about this idea, hope we can do it.

  2. Sallie Goetsch (rhymes with 'sketch') avatar

    I’ve already voted “yes,” but where would we hold this conference? Or would it tour–the FIR Roadshow?

    1. neville avatar

      A good question, Sallie. We’re thinking of a physical event, one people will travel to – the face-to-face aspect of this is so appealing – but nothing is decided in any shape or form yet. I’d say it will be in the USA but much would depend, I think, on the general level of support for the idea.

      On Twitter, I’m seeing venue words like ‘Hawaii’ and ‘Caribbean’ being bandied about :)

  3. Guillaume du Gardier avatar

    It’s a definite “Yes” Neville, but please do also a session in the UK for your european listeners, then it will become the “FIRoadshow” !

    1. neville avatar

      I’m listening to what you say Guillaume. Thanks. Love to do an FIR conference somewhere in Europe, UK or France, wherever is best.

      Clearly we’ll have a lot to think about once we see what the poll results look like next week!

      1. Philippe Borremans avatar

        Hi Neville,

        I second mon ami Guillaume, don’t forget your “continental Europe” friends and followers ! And as a Belgian I have to say that Brussels would be the best place of all… Franch, German, Dutch, English and even Swiss colleagues would be able to reach teh location in less than 2 hours travel. Let me know if I can help at any given moment…!

        1. neville avatar

          That’s terrific, Philippe, thanks. Brussels sounds good to me!

          We’ll visit this topic once we see what the poll results look like next week and seen how feasible this whole thing looks.

  4. DougH (Doug Haslam) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Would you attend an FIR conference? (hint: yes- you?) [link to post]

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  5. [Blog] Would you attend an FIR conference? [Updated] #fb

  6. Would you attend an FIR conference? (hint: yes- you?)

  7. PersDevForYou (Personal Development) avatar

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    Would you attend an FIR conference? — [link to post]

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  8. Would you attend an FIR conference? —

  9. pr_marketing (PostRank – Marketing) avatar

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    Would you attend an FIR conference? [link to post] #postrank #marketing

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  10. Would you attend an FIR conference? #postrank #marketing

  11. Terrific reactions overnight to the notion of running an FIR conference. European friends, would you come to one?

  12. chipgriffin (Chip Griffin) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    I would RT @DougH: Would you attend an FIR conference? (hint: yes- you?) [link to post]

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  13. RT @jangles: Terrific reactions overnight to the notion of running an FIR conference. European friends, would you come?

  14. auntie_abc (Amanda Boland-Curran) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Already saving for the FIR500 cruise. RT @chipgriffin RT @DougH: Would you attend an FIR conference? [link to post]

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  15. I would RT @DougH: Would you attend an FIR conference? (hint: yes- you?)

  16. Already saving for the FIR500 cruise. RT @chipgriffin RT @DougH: Would you attend an FIR conference?

  17. barbaranixon (Barbara B. Nixon) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Count me in! RT @DougH: Would you attend an FIR conference? (hint: yes- you?) [link to post]

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  18. Count me in! RT @DougH: Would you attend an FIR conference? (hint: yes- you?)

  19. Allan Jenkins avatar

    I’d be tempted to attend a US gathering, and would almost certainly attend a European one.

    (Now returning to my lair to catch up on all the episodes I’ve missed this summer)

    1. neville avatar

      A catch-up listening experience will get you anointed :)

      Thanks for posting about this on your blog, Allan, appreciate that.

  20. Jody Koehler avatar

    Hi Neville,

    I would love to visit a FIR conference and would definitely attend a European one. Hope you can arrange an event for your European fans.

    1. neville avatar

      Thanks, Jody, for more European support!

  21. RT @jangles Would you attend an FIR conference? —

  22. Kami Huyse avatar

    I think that a FIR conference would be a blast, but Hawaii would probably be out of the budget for most.