FIR5years Today, January 3, 2010, is rather a special day for Shel Holz and I as it marks the fifth anniversary of For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report, the podcast we both started on January 3, 2005.

To me, that day five years ago often feels like it was only yesterday. Yet so much has happened in this time in our specific areas of interest that embrace a pretty broad spectrum of business, online communication and technology, on a global level.

We’ve grown from a single podcast five years ago to a podcast series that includes the occasional interviews with interesting people, book and other reviews, and more. We have correspondents in the USA, Singapore and the UK who contribute and add to the overall richness of content and community. And we have sponsors: Ragan Communications and CustomScoop.

Getting involved in podcasting has had a profound influence on me, both personally and professionally. I fell in love with audio, putting it simply.

As we produce FIR (as our primary shows is abbreviated to) on Mondays and Thursdays, we’ll be recording the fifth anniversary episode tomorrow Monday, January 4, at about 5pm UK time, our usual recording time.

If you’re a regular listener – especially if you’ve been listening since the early days – we’d love to hear from you. You can email us or call in a comment to the comment line: see the show notes of the latest episode for contact info. If you’ve joined the FIR community on Friendfeed, why not add some thoughts there.

If you get us your thoughts in time, we’ll include them in tomorrow’s show.

Meanwhile, here’s a blast from the past: FIR #1 on January 3, 2005 (MP3, 19.85Mb, 43:23)

Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for listening!

21 responses to “Marking five years as a podcaster”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, prblogs, Luke Razzell, topsy_top20k, topsy_top20k_en and others. topsy_top20k_en said: Hobson: Marking five years as a podcaster: Today, January 3, 2010, is rather a special day for Shel Holz and I as… […]

  2. Congrats to @jangles: 5 years as a podcaster today.

  3. Dave Briggs avatar

    Congratulations Neville, and to Shel too. FIR has been a great resource, not just for people involved in PR and communications (although we all are to a certain extent these days, of course) but for anyone starting out in the world of social media.

    You may not know it, but you guys through your blogging and podcasting really held my hand as I explored this stuff – and I’ll always be grateful. Looking forward to the tenth anniversary, by which time FIR will be delivered via hologram or something.

  4. topgold (Bernie Goldbach) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Congrats to @jangles: 5 years as a podcaster today. [link to post]

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  5. RT @topgold Congrats to @jangles: 5 years as a podcaster today. <- Congrats Neville!

  6. johnpeavoy (John Peavoy) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @topgold Congrats to @jangles: 5 years as a podcaster today. [link to post] <- Congrats Neville! – Posted using Chat Catcher

  7. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

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    [Blog] Marking five years as a podcaster [link to post] #fb #in

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  8. weaverluke (Luke Razzell) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @jangles: [Blog] Marking five years as a podcaster [link to post] #fb #in < congratulations, Neville! – Posted using Chat Catcher

  9. Marking five years as a podcaster

  10. RT @inspiredmag: Marking five years as a podcaster

  11. RT @inspiredmag: Marking five years as a podcaster

  12. Topsy – Top 1K

    Hobson: Marking five years as a podcaster:
    Today, January 3, 2010, is rather a special day for Shel Holz and I as…

  13. Congrats to you and @shel! Here's to 5 more years! RT @jangles: [Blog] Marking five years as a podcaster

  14. RT @inspiredmag: Marking five years as a podcaster

  15. chipgriffin (Chip Griffin) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Congrats to you and @shel! Here’s to 5 more years! RT @jangles: [Blog] Marking five years as a podcaster [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  16. Marking five years as a podcaster

  17. Alex Briggs avatar

    Would be safe to say that a chance meeting at a conference with Neville has changed my life. Neville, your expertise and openness in communicating it has changed both of the jobs that I have had since meeting you. Congrats on five years!

  18. neville avatar

    Thanks, everyone, I do appreciate your kindness and warm wishes. Thanks. FYI, I mentioned you all in today’s 5th anniversary show.

  19. RT @jangles Marking five years as a podcaster

  20. Karin Hoegh avatar

    There – again – you are way ahead of the most of us – loved listening to your #510 – can´t wait to hear your 10th anniversary episode ;-) Imagine…

  21. karinhoegh (Karin Hoegh) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @jangles Marking five years as a podcaster [link to post]

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