firlogo100Intro: Shel’s in Toronto, FIR Interviews coming with Craig Silverman and Ekaterina Walter;

Quick News: ITN Productions launches citizen journalism channel, majority of US mobile phone owners use their devices to access the internet, the user experience of reading the Leveson Inquiry report; Ragan promo;

News That Fits: Leveson: the challenge of traditional media oversight in the age of digital; Dan York reports on hotel reviews, blogging every day, WordPress 3.5, and WCIT; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; in the District of Columbia, social media surveillance pays off; listener comments; TemboSocial promo; Michael Netzley reports from Singapore with an update on Olam’s battle with Muddy Waters and the company’s crisis response; Bell Pottinger launches digital content agency;

Music from Ed Roth; and more.

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Messages from our sponsors: FIR is brought to you with Lawrence Ragan Communications, serving communicators worldwide for 35 years,; Save time with the CustomScoop online clipping service: sign up for your free two-week trial, at; and TemboSocial (formerly Pollstream): helping you transform your communications goals into exciting strategies that will enable you to engage, educate and inform your customers and employees online,

For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report for December 3, 2012: A 70-minute podcast recorded live from Wokingham, Berkshire, England.

Links to websites, blog posts and other content we discuss in the show are posted as Delicious bookmarks to facilitate your connection with the discussions and sharing of that content.

FIR Show Notes links
Names of blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show are posted to the FIR Show Notes pages at The New PR Wiki. You can contribute time stamps – see the show notes home page for info.

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So, until Monday December 10…

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

2 responses to “The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #680: December 3, 2012”

  1. […] The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #680: December 3, 2012 Intro: Shel’s in Toronto, FIR Interviews coming with Craig Silverman and Ekaterina Walter; Quick News: ITN Productions launches citizen journalism channel, majority of US mobile phone owners … […]

  2. […] The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #680: December 3, 2012 – includes discussion on the user experience of reading the Leveson Inquiry report, and the challenge of traditional media oversight in the age of digital. DiggMore Pin ItShare on TumblrPrintEmail Filed Under: Communication, Ethics, Journalism, Law, Mainstream Media, Online Media, Politics, Social Media, Society, Software, Technology, Web Tagged With: #Leveson, Spundge About Neville HobsonEntrepreneurial communications professional with a curiosity for tech and how people use it. Early adopter (and leaver) and experimenter with social media. Co-host of the weekly business podcast For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report. Also an occasional test pilot of shiny new objects. Follow me on Twitter and Google+. Cancel Reply […]