I speak your languageLanguage translation has bedevilled communications and PR practitioners forever, but the rise of digital media has complicated the situation in a number of ways.

The requirements for producing content right now have led to a need for almost instantaneous translation while access to the internet has introduced languages spoken in regions that weren’t previously participants in the economy.

Joining FIR co-host Shel Holtz in this edition of FIR Live on August 14, 2014, were…

  • Renato Beninatto, chief marketing officer for language translation company Moravia. He is the co-founder of the first market research company focusing on language services. He was president and currently serves as an adviser to the European Language Industry Association and is a board member of Translators without Borders.
  • Iris Orriss, head of localization for Facebook, is also a board member at Translators without Borders. Formerly director of the business platform division international team at Microsoft, she brings more than a decade of localization-related engineering and managerial experience to her work.
  • Sherrilynne Starkie, VP Content Marketing and Social Media, Thornley Fallis Communications (Ottawa office).

You can download the MP4 video file for local viewing.

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