Andrea Weckerle, author of Civility in the Digital Age, is set to take your questions during FIR’s next Book Club, which Book Review Editor Bob LeDrew will host.

Friday, April 5, 2013
9am PDT | 11am CDT | 12 pm EDT | 5pm BST
FIR Book Club at TalkShoe

Andrea WeckerleAndrea is also the founder and president of CiviliNation, a non-profit organization established to take a stand against online hostility, character assassination and adult cyberbullying. LeDrew’s review of Civility in the Digital Age was posted to FIR last week. Andrea also appeared in an FIR interview in January 2010 to discuss CiviliNation.

Andrea is an attorney licensed to practice law in Washington D.C. and New Jersey. She earned her Juris Doctor at T.C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, where she also served on the Senior Staff of the Richmond Journal of Law & Technology, the first exclusively online, student-edited law journal in the U.S. In addition to her law degree, she underwent extensive mediation training, earning certificates in Commercial Mediation, Conflict Resolution Processes, and Healthcare Mediation. She also holds a Master of Arts degree in Communications/Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University.

After law school, Andrea worked within the Legal Management Services division of an international professional services firm, where she helped design, develop and implement comprehensive alternative dispute resolution systems for Fortune 500 companies. During her tenure at the firm, she also served on the international team of a high-profile, politically sensitive investigatory review of World War II-era banking records for two international financial institutions and a U.S. state regulatory agency. Before founding CiviliNation, she ran her own boutique communications consultancy and worked with nationally-recognized agencies, where her experience included legal and corporate communications, as well as online communications and social media.

Andrea lived in Pakistan, Madagascar, Germany and the United States while growing up and now resides in the United States. She is bilingual in English and German.

Join Andrea for a lively chat with FIR Book Review Editor Bob LeDrew and participate in the conversation! Details are on the TalkShoe Book Club site.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

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