Overflow from FIR #480 on September 3, 2009.

windows7logo2 TechFlash.com: Microsoft calling on thousands to host their own Windows 7 parties

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5 responses to “FIR Cut: Microsoft plans Tupperware-style Windows 7 community launch events”

  1. [Blog] FIR Cut: Microsoft plans Tupperware-style Windows 7 community launch events http://tinyurl.com/l82gcw #fb

  2. Hobson: FIR Cut: Microsoft plans Tupperware-style Windows 7 community launch events: Overflow from FIR #4.. http://bit.ly/m7yYH

  3. Wow ! RT @jangles: [Blog] FIR Cut: Microsoft plans Tupperware-style Windows 7 community launch events http://tinyurl.com/l82gcw

  4. @shel @jangles Microsoft plans Tupperware-style Windows 7 events http://bit.ly/416hRP Apply here http://bit.ly/11sPFh

  5. […] this page was mentioned by Ian Farmer (@ifarmer), Karin Hoegh (@karinhoegh), prblogs (@prblogs), Neville Hobson (@jangles) and others. […]