huddle11If social media can transform business-to-business marketing, as Paul Gillin and Eric Schwarzman argue in their new book, Social Marketing to the Business Customer, then the Dell B2B Social Media Huddle taking place in London on March 17 couldn’t be more timely.

This will be the third such event that I’ve been involved with, working with Kerry Bridge at Dell UK to put together a programme that enables participants to exchange some best practice thinking and learn what others are doing in an area of business that too often is over-shadowed by its B2C compatriot.

As with each previous huddle, we offer an experience that includes the interaction with others with an interest in this area, and includes an informal social get-together after the event for drinks and conversation aka a tweetup.

briansolis-smThe spotlight of this huddle, though, is the participation of Brian Solis who will deliver the keynote presentation.

Brian is globally-recognized as one of the most prominent thought leaders and published authors in new media. A digital analyst, sociologist, and futurist, he has influenced the effects of emerging media on the convergence of marketing, communications, and publishing. He is principal of FutureWorks, an award-winning new media and business strategy consultancy in Silicon Valley, and has led interactive and social programmes for Fortune 500 companies, notable celebrities, and Web 2.0 start-ups. He blogs at

We’re thrilled Brian is able to be part of this event during his time in London. He’ll also be signing copies of his book, Engage!

We’re also thrilled to partner with Google UK who will be hosting us at their London office.

We’re encouraging participants to lead an unconference session on the day. This could be a topical discussion (roundtable), sharing a case study or discussing industry insights. As spaces for this event are limited, it’s being organized on a by-invitation-only basis. Invitations have already gone out and we’re expecting a full house on March 17.

But there are plenty of ways you can participate virtually. There’s a hashtag, of course – #dellb2b – so you can see and participate in the conversation via Twitter. There will no doubt be blog posts, photos and presentations posted to Slideshare. And we will be recording Brian’s presentation and the unconference sessions and publishing them as FIR Speakers & Speeches podcasts.

Plenty to look forward to on March 17.

4 responses to “Brian Solis keynotes at next Dell B2B Social Media Huddle in London”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, Mouthy. Mouthy said: Brian Solis keynotes at next Dell B2B Social Media Huddle in … […]

  2. […] Brian Solis is the keynote speaker at the Dell Social Media B2B Huddle in London on March 17 that I’m helping to organize (and in which you can participate virtually via the […]

  3. […] second event this week is the Dell B2B Social Media Huddle on Thursday March 17, taking place at Google UK’s HQ thanks to Richard Robinson. This is the […]

  4. […] third Dell B2B Social Media Huddle took place in London on March 17, 2011. Organized jointly by Dell, Google and FIR, the event […]