
PodCamp UK in Birmingham is shaping up to be a terrific weekend. Over 100 people have now signed up on the wiki to be there.

Whatever your interest and whether you’re a seasoned podcaster, starting out or just have an interest in audio and video communication, there’s something for everyone at PodCamp UK.

Take a listen to the excellent MP3 promo (links below) by the talented Bob Cartwright. If that doesn’t tempt you, I don’t know what will (maybe the video promos at Blip.tv might).

Other than travel and accommodation if you need that, the event is free to attend thanks to a raft of sponsors (see the website for details).

I’ll be there, arriving about Saturday lunchtime, and I’ll be leading a session on Sunday morning on podcasting for business.

Hope to see you there!

One response to “Getting ready for PodCamp UK this weekend”

  1. […] Neville Hobson blogged today about PodCamp, and I am extremely jealous. Sadly I can’t attend because I will be moving house. […]