Full story: NevilleHobson.com is Now an Archive
After more than 18 years of writing and publishing here, it’s time for a new chapter. As of today, NevilleHobson.com is no longer being updated. Instead, this site will remain online as an archive of my thinking and writing on communication, technology, and business over the years. Now you’ll find my latest writing, insights, and […]
Full story: Letting Go of SEO and Writing for Engagement
For years, search engine optimisation (SEO) was a key consideration in my approach to blogging. Like many people, I optimised WordPress with metadata, lightweight themes, and SEO plugins. But as I transition from self-hosted WordPress to hosted Ghost, I find myself questioning how much SEO really matters to me now. An article by Carolyn Shelby […]
Full story: AI and the End of Billable Hours
The public relations industry is undergoing a fundamental shift, driven by the rapid rise of AI-powered tools that automate and accelerate many core functions of agency work. In our recent FIR Interviews podcast, Steve Rubel – a pioneer in digital communication – shared his perspective on how AI is challenging traditional agency business models, particularly […]
Full story: Whatever Happened to Offline Blog Editors?
There was a time when blogging tools weren’t just about writing in a web browser. Fifteen years ago, the landscape of third-party blog editors was full of promise. Programs like Ecto, BlogJet, Qumana, and BlogDesk gave bloggers using the Windows operating system the freedom to write offline, refine their drafts, and then publish directly to […]